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Kısa vadeli dış borç stoku 176,4 milyar dolar oldu


According to the data from the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT), Turkey’s short-term external debt stock rose by 0.1% to $176.4 billion as of the end of the third quarter compared to the end of 2023.

During this period, short-term external debt stock originating from banks increased by 15.5% to $79 billion, while the short-term external debt stock of other sectors decreased by 3.9% to $59 billion.

As of the end of September, regardless of the original maturity, the short-term external debt stock with a maturity of one year or less reached $233.1 billion, according to CBRT data.


Short-term credits borrowed by banks from abroad increased by 60.8% to $20.3 billion compared to the end of 2023.

Foreign currency deposits of non-bank residents decreased by 1.2% to $19.8 billion, while deposits of foreign resident banks decreased by 4.4% to $19.8 billion.

In addition, foreign resident’s TL-denominated deposits saw a 26.8% increase to $19.2 billion compared to the end of last year.


When evaluated based on debtors, the private sector holds a 59.8% share in the total stock, while the public sector has a 23.7% share and the Central Bank has a 16.5% share.

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